Worldwide Partners
"World without Wars and without Violence” (contact Tiziana Volta) & PEFC Italy (contact Antonio Brunori, Secretary-General)
1st United Methodist Church/Common Ground
Aberdeen City Council
Aberystwyth University
Activities in Hiroshima
Afghan Fellowship Legacy Projects/ Botanical Gardens Network (BGNet)
Aga Khan Foundation
Al Akhawayn University
Arahama Elementary School, Japan
Asian Health Institute
Australian National University
Bates College
Batsford Arboretum
Bluegrass Community and Technical College
Botanic Garden of Smith College
Botanic Garden of the Irkutsk State University
Botanical Garden of Tver State University
Botanical Garden of Vilnius University
Botanical Gardens at Government College University Lahore (application in process)
Bourbon Co., Ltd.
Branden’s Trail
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)
Central Michigan University
Château de Vaulx
City of Edinburgh
City of New Haven Peace Commission
City of White Salmon
Concordia University
Davidson College
Dunedin Botanic Garden
Earth Caravan
Embassy of Afghanistan - Tokyo
Embassy of the Republic of Singapore - Tokyo
Emden City (a Mayors for Peace member city)
Fredrikstad City Parks Department
Fremantle City
Frogn Municipality
Fukutomi Star Terrace 福富・星降るテラス
Godmanchester Community Plant Nursery
Granollers City
Griffith University
Hamline University
Hannover City
Hanson Town
Hiroshima University
Honkawa Elementary School
Indiana University Indianapolis
International Committee of the Red Cross
Iowa University
James Allen’s Girls’ School
Japanese Friendship Garden Society of San Diego
Katherine School of the Air
Keele University
Kendal at Oberlin
Kennesaw State University Institute for Global Initiatives
Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden
Kurekosen (National Institute of Technology) Kure College
Kutaisi Botanical Garden
La Trobe University
Lady Doak College
Leiden Botanical Garden
Linköping City
Ljubljana Botanical Garden
Los Alamos History Museum
Mairie de Beuzeville
Millennium Seed Bank (MSB)
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport
Mizuho Town
Montreal City
Moscow State University
Municipality of Poertschach am Woerthersee
Municipality of Saint-Sulpice
Nakanoshima Elementary School
National Botanic Gardens of Wales
National University of Singapore Tembusu College and Singapore Botanical Garden
New College of Florida and Marie Selby Botanical Gardens
No Gun Ri International/ Peace Foundation (Mayors for Peace Initiative)
Nova Southeastern University (NSU)
Oberlin College
Ofunato City
Orto Botanico dell’Università degli Studi di Perugia - Botanical Garden of Perugia University
Osaka YMCA International School
Oslo Botanical Garden
Ostafyevo State Museum "The Russion Parnassus"
Plympton Academy
Polish Academy of Sciences Botanical Garden – Center for Biological Diversity Conservation
Pomona College
Powell Gardens and Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Radlje ob Dravi City
Renens City
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Rochester City
Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria
Royal Horticultural Society
San Diego Botanic Garden (Regional hub)
Sarajevo City
School of Biology, University of Costa Rica
Schwäbisch Gmünd City
Seattle Japanese Garden
Semey City
Social Welfare Corporation Selfnet 21 (社会福祉法人せるふねっと21)
Sonoma County Peace Crane Project
Sophia University
Southend High School for Boys
State Arboretum of Virginia
Sunny Day Initiative
Tehran Peace Museum
The Arboricultural Association
The College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE)
The Conservatory and Botanical Garden of Geneva
The Kizuna Project: Haragama Kindergarten
The University of Melbourne
Tibet Center Austria
Tokushima Prefectural Senior High School of Science and Technology
Town of Avon
UBC Botanical Garden
Umuco Mwiza School, Rwanda
UN Economic Commission for Africa
United Nations European Headquarters
Universidad Austral de Chile
Universidad Icesi
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
University College Cork Arboretum
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
University of Connecticut (UConn)
University of North Carolina
V.F.F. Institute Mare Nostrum e.V. NPO-Austria
Valencia City Council
Virginia Tech Urban Forestry
Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons, A Cooperation Circle of The United Religions Initiative
Volgograd City
Washington University in St. Louis
West College Scotland
Westgate Baptist Church
Westmount Park United Church and Dawson College
Yanominami Elementary School
Yokohama City Shimogo Elementary School
Yokohama Institute for Earth Sciences
Ypres City