Resources for Partners

Here are some useful resources for GLH global partners:

Procedure for receiving seeds from GLH

Hibaku second-generation seeds are available

Making Plaques for Second-Generation Hibaku Jumoku Saplings

List of plaques from around the world

Preparation of seeds before dispatch

Green Greetings is a project that documents all the A-bomb survivor trees in Hiroshima. They have a wonderful website available in both Japanese and English that details their activities. They also propose walking tours in Hiroshima to visit the trees. To learn more, please visit their website.


2023 ~

  • Yomiuri Shimbun, "Seeds of Peace Growing Around the World: Visit to the A-bombed 'Mother Tree'" (Japanese)

世界で育つ平和の種 被爆樹「母の木」を訪ねて (

  • Eden Magazine, "Hibaku-jumoku: Les arbres d'Hiroshima survivants de la bombe atomique" (French and Dutch)

Numéro 74 - Printemps 2023 (

2022 ~

NHK World, "Preserving Trees That Survived the Atomic Bomb" (English)

Preserving Trees That Survived the Atomic Bomb (

[Video removed online by NHK]

Mainichi Newspaper, "Hiroshima bombing recalled in Oregon 'peace trees' campaign" (English)

Hiroshima bombing recalled in Oregon 'peace trees' campaign (

2021 ~

Hiroshima for Global Peace, "Meeting Trees Sending Trees that Survived Atomic Bombing from Hiroshima to the World" (Japanese/English)

Meeting Trees Sending Trees that Survived Atomic Bombing from Hiroshima to the World | Hiroshima for Global Peace ( (English)

木に会いに行く~広島から世界へ被爆樹木を~ | 国際平和拠点ひろしま〜核兵器のない世界平和に向けて〜 ( (Japanese)

・Mainichi Newspaper, "Ambassadors of Peace" born from the survivor trees in Hiroshima (Japanese)

広島の被爆樹木から生まれた「平和の使者」 世界38カ国・地域へ | 毎日新聞 (

・Hiroshima Peace Media Center, "10th years passed delivering the "Life seeds." Green Legacy Hiroshima delivers Hibaku-Jumoku seeds and saplings around the world. "(Japanese)

命の粒まいて10年 被爆樹木の種・苗 世界各地へ送付 グリーン・レガシー・ヒロシマ | 中国新聞ヒロシマ平和メディアセンター (

・ABC Radio National, "Planting peace: from Hiroshima to Pine Gap - Soul Search - ABC Radio National," August 8, 2021

Planting peace: from Hiroshima to Pine Gap - Soul Search - ABC Radio National

・NBC Today, "How Japan has recovered from its fraught nuclear history," Aug 5, 2021

How Japan has recovered from its fraught nuclear history (


・National Bulgarian Radio (in Bulgarian only), ‟Дърветата помнят - раните от Хирошима”, Aug 7, 2020

English translation;

・BBC Radio 4 PM interview with Tomoko Watanabe and Nassrine Azimi, August 6, 2020 (our interview is from 26.33)

・BBC News | MUNDO (in Spanish only), ‟Hiroshima: los árboles que sobrevivieron a la bomba atómica y hoy siembran un mensaje de paz en el mundo (también en América Latina)” by Alejandra Martins, August 5, 2020

・Junior Writers Reporting: Junior writers convey facts of A-bombed trees to people in world 「[ジュニアライターがゆく] 被爆樹木の今 世界に伝える」

(E)Junior Writers Reporting: Junior writers convey facts of A-bombed trees to people in world | 中国新聞ヒロシマ平和メディアセンター (

(J)[ジュニアライターがゆく] 被爆樹木の今 世界に伝える | 中国新聞ヒロシマ平和メディアセンター (

・Hiroshima Peace Media Center, ‟Hello from UNITAR: Offspring of A-Bombed Trees to the World” by Kenta Matsuoka, December 4, 2018

・UN Special, February 2018 Edition, ‟Hiroshima’s green, timeless legacy” by Nassrine Azimi


・Hiroshima Peace Media Center, ‟Seedling grown from A-bomb survivor tree takes root overseas” by Yumi Kanazaki, May 16, 2014

・Hiroshima Peace Media Center, ‟Trees from those that survived A-bombing planted around the globe” by Sakiko Masuda, April 23, 2013

・Hiroshima Peace Media Center, ‟Green Legacy Hiroshima seeks support of Hiroshima mayor in sending seeds of A-bombed trees abroad” by Michiko Tanaka, February 13, 2012

・Hiroshima Peace Media Center, ‟Hiroshima Memo: Green Legacy Hiroshima holds the potential to grow awareness to the world” by Akira Tashiro, December 28, 2011

・Hiroshima Peace Media Center, ‟Green Legacy Hiroshima: Effort gets underway” by Akira Tashiro, December 26, 2011

・The New York Times, I.H.T. OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR, ‟Dare to Dream” by Nassrine Azimi, July 4, 2011


・GLH Hibaku Jumoku Seed Picking 2023

・GLH Hibaku Jumoku Seed Picking 2022

・In July 2021, we marked the 10th anniversary of Green Legacy Hiroshima, a milestone worth celebrating. The short video below created by Yuko Baba hopefully captures some of the highlights and beautiful partnerships of this past decade.

・GLH Hibaku Jumoku Seed Picking 2020 Fall

Planting a Hiroshima peace tree, October 5, 2020, by Seattle Japanese Garden

・GLH Hibaku Jumoku Seed Picking 2019 Fall

・Hiroshima-Nagasaki Midpoint Planting Ceremony, September 21, 2019

・Testimony by Ms. Hideko TAMURA-SNIDER, founder of One Sunny Day Initiative, November 16, 2018

・Green Legacy Hiroshima-Singapore Project: The National University of Singapore (NUS) Tembusu College, and The Singapore Botanical Garden, April 4, 2014

  • Thanks to Mr. Chris Moore and the UNITAR Hiroshima Office, we are excited to share two videos focusing on GLH and A-bombed buildings and trees made for the 2021 Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Training Programme. Held on March 2021 online, it aimed to provide a deeper understanding of what happened in Hiroshima and the subsequent sacrifices and efforts of the citizens and the local government.

    A-Bombed Buildings and Survivor Trees_Disarmament_2021:

  • The Webinar, Botanical Gardens - In Times of Conflict, and beyond, cohosted by GLH, AFLP, EDEN seminar, and BGCI

The Webinar, Botanical Gardens - In Times of Conflict, and beyond, cohosted by GLH, AFLP, EDEN seminar, and BGCI, was held on 21st September 2021. We wish to thank all who attended the interview with Dr. Paul Smith and Prof. Monte Cassim — thanks to them and the wonderful speakers, it was an inspiring and informative hour. We are grateful to BGCI colleagues, for their flexibility and intellectual generosity in preparation of the session. You can find the recording and other relevant documents below.


Botanic Garden Conservation International

The Global Tree Assessment

The Afghan Fellowship Legacy Projects/Botanical Gardens Network

The EDEN Seminars

Tools for self reliance Japan

The Afghan Fellowship Legacy Projects:

I love seeing an Afghan village brought back to life" Dr.Tetsu Nakamura (1946-2019)

Botanical Gardens Network (BGNet) (