GLH Core Activities

 June 2024:

On June 18th, 2024, GLH held a committee meeting. Present were the GLH secretariat including coordinator Nassrine Azimi; co-founder Tomoko Watanabe; tree doctor Chikara Horiguchi; and delegates from Hiroshima Botanical Garden, Hiroshima Prefectural Government, and Chugoku Shimbun Hakuhodo (who runs Green Greetings). The topics discussed were Tomoko Watanabe and Chikara Horiguchi’s trip to Norway, English translation of Green Greetings material and seed distribution.

 April 2024:

Ted Samuel, Senior Director of Oberlin Shansi, visited Hiroshima and was given a tour of the hibakujumoku by GLH coordinator Nassrine Azimi and secretariat team member Ben Echikson, who has been working at GLH as part of a 2-year Shansi fellowship. Throughout the tour, they visited hibakujumokus on Atagoike, around Hiroshima Castle and Shukkeien Garden.

 December 2023:

The 2023 Hiroshima Hibakujumoku Working Group met at the UNITAR office on December 19. Attendees included representatives of Hiroshima City, Mayors for Peace, Hiroshima Prefecture, Hiroshima Botanical Garden, as well as GLH core team and committee members. The meeting was again a chance to brainstorm and share notes on collective efforts to spread the seeds across the world, as well as the preservation and management of mother trees themselves.

 December 2023:

The second seed-picking of 2023 in December convened a larger gathering of the A-Bomb trees community at Hiroshima Castle for picking seeds from the majestic Kurogane Holly tree.

 November 2023:

The first seed picking of the year was held in November at Atagoike (the Grove, by the Hiroshima Peace Avenue). It brought together our core members, who quickly rallied upon receipt of news  from master-gardener Chikara Horiguchi that the Japanese Persimmon and Hackberry trees were ready for seed-picking!

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