GLH partners around the world
Click here to read a message from GLH Coordinator Nassrine Azimi
The Green Greetings Project was launched as a joint project with Chugoku Shimbun and the GLH partner and committee member at the Chugoku Shikoku Hakuhodo market design department on August 6, 2005. Click here to view the website.
GLH and many other partners joined the Hiroshima Tonan Rotary members in selecting the final candidates for the Hibakujumoku Art Contest in a session on November 25. Click here for more.
Former executive director of UNITAR and former executive secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa Dr. Carlos Lopes and his wife Mara were in Hiroshima on a private visit. Read more here.
Five Junior writers, training with the Chugoku Shimbun interviewed and learned from GLH coordinator Nassrine Azimi about the A-bombed trees in Hiroshima, the mission and vision of Green Legacy, and future advice seeking professions that could be useful to society. For more information and the article, click here.
GLH coordinator Dr. Nassrine Azimi’s students from Hiroshima University’s Integrated Global Studies (IGS) program participated in a field trip on November 13th. Read more here.
GLH coordinator Nassrine Azimi gave a lecture and interview at the SDG week event hosted by Wakasa-cho, Fukui Prefecture. Learn more here.
GLH regional hub at CAFRE partners bring tidings of a new home at Hillsborough Castle for Hiroshima's Platanus orientalis. Click here to view more.
A moving speech by the dedicated GLH partner in the Netherlands, Dr. Rinny Kooi. Click here to view more.
GLH partner Dr. Elinor Breman, who leads the Millennium Seed Bank project at Kew Gardens in the UK, presented to his majesty the Emperor of Japan two of the Hiroshima saplings received from GLH. Click here for more and to view video.
Grateful to GLH partner and regional hub the San Diego Botanic Garden (SDBG) for hosting a special commemoration ceremony at the exact time of the ceremony in Hiroshima. Click here to view the website.
Thanks to Mihoko Kumamoto who guided Nikhil Seth, Alex Mejia and Chisa Mikami for a special visit to our little Camellia at Sophia University in Tokyo. Click here for more.
GLH Regional Seed Hubs
San Diego Botanic Garden (SDBG) in San Diego, California and the College of Agriculture, Food & Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) in Northern Ireland
We are delighted that the SDBG and CAFRE have agreed to become GLH regional seed hubs. We hope their help will facilitate sharing A-bombed tree seeds with more partners in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Latin America.
See here for 2023-2024 Hibaku second-generation seeds availability for dispatch.
Latest Updates
Activities in Hiroshima - November 2024
On November 16, 2024, Professors of Environmental History, Finn Arne Jorgensen and Melania Buns of Stavanger University, visited Hiroshima in the company of Ekuko Naka. They spent time in the company of GLH master gardener Horiguchi sensei and ANT executive director Tomoko Watanabe visiting some Hibakujumoku, and with GLH coordinator Nassrine Azimi speaking about the many legacies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They hope to bring their students to Fukushima and Hiroshima next year to, in their words,
to allow for an in-depth exploration of consequences of nuclear power and weapons. We think it’s very important right now - not only are nuclear weapons absolutely on the geopolitical map in the years to come, but in Norway in particular the discussion of nuclear power is growing in strength, with significant potential consequences for how Norway manages, uses, and protects nature.
Royal Horticultural Society - October 2024
The Royal Horticultural Society and Emilios Theodosiou are working hard preparing to raise tree seeds sent by GLH from Hiroshima. The plan is to create displays in their U.K. gardens for 2045, to commemorate 100 years since the atomic bombings. The picture shows pots containing seeds for Gingko Biloba, Camphor, Kurogane Holly, Persimmon, Chinese Hackberry and Oriental Plane Tree. They propose for the full-size trees to be displayed alongside bonsai Gingko also originating from GLH. The Gingko saplings, currently being turned into bonsai at Herons Bonsai, were donated by Aberdeen City Council.
Dunedin Botanic Garden - September 2024
A ginkgo, nurtured from seed to sapling for seven years, was planted on World Peace Day in Dunedin. Thank you to all of those in New Zealand who have made this planting a reality.
Universidad Austral de Chile - August 2024
Dr. Gerdhard Jessen, deputy director of the botanical garden at the Universidad Austral of Chile, shared special news about their trees on this August 6, and their future vision :
‘….We are happy to announce that a new milestone was achieved 6th August…we planted the second-generation trees from the survivor trees we have been raising since 2011. As you can see in the attached pictures and the design created by our landscape collaborator Claudia Salinas, 19 trees are now at the definitive site in our Botanical Garden.’
San Diego Botanic Garden (Regional hub) - August 2024
Grateful to GLH partner and regional hub the San Diego Botanic Garden (SDBG) for hosting a special commemoration ceremony at the exact time of the ceremony in Hiroshima — staff and docents gathered around the Hiroshima Ginkgo in a moment of silence led by GLH coordinator Nassrine Azimi, and heard from SDBG staff Jessica Monahan and curator of Hiroshima seeds and saplings Joe DeWolf.
Link to a television interview with Nassrine is here
Leiden Botanical Garden - August 2024
New batch of Ginkgo seeds have safely arrived at our partners at the Leiden University Botanic Garden.
With gratitude to GLH partner Rinny Kooi and her colleagues in Leiden, to David Dowd, James Ross and their colleagues at GLH regional hub at CAFRE, Northern Ireland, to Nakahara-san and the team at the Hiroshima Botanic Garden — and to generations past and present, who have tended to the seeds and saplings, and will do so in the future.
International Committee of the Red Cross - July 2024
Akiko Perona, UNITAR chief of communications who was instrumental in helping us plant a hibakujumoku sapling at ICRC, sent us photos of the tree as it stands (July 2024) — a magnificent specimen, clearly ICRC gardeners have taken good care of Hiroshima’s green ambassador of peace.
Oslo Botanical Garden - June 2024
GLH co-founder Tomoko Watanabe and master gardener, Chikara Horiguchi, attended a series of events organized by partners in Norway. They had a chance to visit the Ginkgo sapling sent by GLH to Oslo University Botanic Garden and to give talks on Hiroshima and the Hibaku-jumoku in Oslo and Stavanger, thanks to partners Andreas Løvold and Ekuko Naka. They also attended a special exhibit organized through the Ullandhaug Botanical Garden in Stavanger. To read the transcript of Tomoko’s speeches, click here. They also attended a special exhibit organized through the Ullandhaug Botanical Garden in Stavanger. To read the transcript of Tomoko’s speeches, click here. Click here to view the announcement for the event at Natural History Museum, Oslo University.
V.F.F. Institute Mare Nostrum e.V. NPO-Austria - January 2024
In June 2017 GLH sent seeds to V.F.F. Institute Mare Nostrum e.V. NPO-Austria, who since have diligently documented the process. Their website features images of the seeds, and the flowchart below, detailing application, arrival and sowing of seeds. It also has a detailed technical analysis that includes step-by-step images and explanations for germinating the seeds. Gratitude for their care and efforts, as well as those of Shuichi Hamatani and colleagues from the Hiroshima Botanical Garden.