United Kingdom



The College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE)

45 Tirgracy Rd, Antrim BT41 4PS, United Kingdom

 October 2023:

The GLH team delivered a lecture through Zoom to students of our marvelous partner at CAFRE David Dowd. Our coordinator Nassrine Azimi spearheaded the session and was assisted by Haruka Yasuda and me. During the lecture we discussed Hiroshima's recent history in connection to the atomic bomb, its subsequent reconstruction, the significance of the A-bomb survivor trees, as well as GLH's mission. We hope the session will inspire the students and make them aware of the significance of plant life and peace.

I also put here the link to CAFRE’s dedicated webpage for Green Legacy Hiroshima. It chronicles the partners they have sent seeds to and their process of germinating and growing the seeds. Please visit this wonderful website to learn more: https://www.cafre.ac.uk/business-support/horticulture/green-legacy-hiroshima-project/. ~ Ben

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