Partners in Profile
Partners in Profile features one GLH global partner, so as to better present the guardians and caretakers of Hibaku-Jumoku descendants around the planet. The profiles will explore what the Hiroshima survivor trees and partnership with GLH mean for our partners, their passion for peace, and their vision for the future. Click on the link to see the full profile.
Profile 33. September 2024 - V.F.F. Institute Mare Nostrum e.V. NPO - Austria (PDF)
- V.F.F. Institute Mare Nostrum e.V. NPO - Austria is a non profit foundation for research and development for public welfare projects and is one of GLH's partners in Austria.
- This Interview was conducted by email with founders and staff of the institute on their thoughts on GLH, impact of the plants and current state of awareness and interest in nuclear disarmament.
Profile 32. June 2024 - Roger Leivers, Author and Historian, Godmanchester, United Kingdom (PDF)
- Roger Leivers' deep interest in his town’s local history led him to become a historian and author with his first book ‘Stirling to Essen’. He also conducts walks around Godmanchester giving tours on WW1 and WW2.
- In this profile he shares his interest in history and how he came to be an author and historian. He also gives his thoughts on GLH and the impact of the A- bomb survivor plants.
Special Feature: Oregon - Oregon State Penitentiary, Oregon, USA (PDF)
- This feature presents the story of how an A-bomb survivor plant made its way to a corrections facility. The Asian Family Pacific Club (APFC) which is an adults in custody club at the Oregon State Penitentiary worked to bring the Hiroshima peace messenger and is currently at the prison's Japanese Healing Garden.
- The profile also includes an interview with the president of APFC Jimmy Kashi on his thoughts on GLH, APFC, and the power of plants and nature.
Special Feature: Oregon - Kim Stafford, Poet, Oregon, USA(PDF)
- This profile on Kim Stafford continues the special feature from our partners in Oregon.
- Since attending the first dedication of peace tree plantings in Oregon, Kim Stafford has attended many planting events and shared his poetry about the hope the A-bomb trees bring.
- In this feature he shares thoughts about his life, and about GLH and its mission
Special Feature: Oregon - David Hedberg, Historian and Filmmaker, Oregon, USA(PDF)
- This special feature follows the many individuals who have been supporting our GLH partners in Oregon. The first entry is of historian and filmmaker David Hedberg.
- David Hedberg is currently producing the documentary 'Seeds of Peace' about Hideko Tamura's efforts to bring Hiroshima seeds to Oregon. He has supported the peace tree effort in Oregon, interviewing and filming many connected to this campaign.
- Elinor Breman is GLH partner at Kew Gardens. She is the senior research leader at the Millenium Seed Bank (MSB) hosted by the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew.
- In this feature she shares her passion and her experiences for plant life, how she came to work at the MSB, and some thoughts on GLH and its mission.
Profile 30. May 2023 - Gerardo Avalos, Professor, University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica (PDF).
- Gerardo Avalos is GLH partner in Costa Rica and a professor of ecology at the school of Biology, University of Costa Rica.
- In this feature he shares about his life trajectory, how he came to know about GLH, his future plans as a partner, and his thoughts on biodiversity and peace.
Profile 29. January 2023 - Ann Sherif, Professor, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio (PDF).
- This profile features Ann Sherif, a GLH partner from Oberlin College in the United States, where she is a professor of East Asian and Environmental Studies.
- In this feature, she shares her thoughts on her research, her involvment with GLH, the impact of the gingko at Oberlin College and future goals as a GLH partner.
Profile 28. October 2022 - Justin Wisor, Director, Custodial and Grounds, UCLA, California (PDF).
- Justin Wisor is one of GLH'S many partners in UCLA.
- In this feature he shares his path to his current position, thoughts on GLH, and how its message can be amplified to make a difference.
- Kelly Schmader is one of GLH's partners at UCLA, a key supporter in creating awareness about the Ginkgo tree on campus.
- In this feature he shares his life trajectory from the US Navy to his current position at UCLA, his thoughts on GLH and his ideas for a more sustainable campus.
Profile 26. September 2022 - Ekuko Naka, Landscape Architect, Norway (PDF).
- Ekuko Naka, a GLH partner, grew up in Japan and currently works in Norway as a landscape architect.
- In this feature, she shares her thoughts in GLH, her life trajectory and her future aspirations.
Profile 25. July 2022 - Andreas Løvold, Arborist, Botanical Garden of Oslo University, Oslo (PDF).
- Andreas Løvold is a GLH partner in Norway. He currently works at the Botanical Garden in the University of Oslo as an arborist and works in tree care and conducts walks and lectures.
- He shares his life trajectory, thoughts on GLH and experience caring for the Hibaku-jumoku.
Profile 24. April 2022 - Dr. Susan Ott Ralph, Professor, University of Washington, Seattle (PDF).
- Dr. Susan Ott Ralph is a Board-Certified Physician. She has over 48 years of experience in the field of medicine as both a professor at the University of Washington and physician at the University of Washington Medical Center.
- She is our partner from the Seattle Japanese Garden, where she is a docent. Dr. Ott shares thoughts on her life trajectory and her scientific work, on GLH, and on the process of bringing atomic survivor plants to the Seattle Japanese Garden.
- Jim Gersbach is one of GLH partners in Oregon, USA. He works at the Oregon Department of Forestry and has helped plant many A-bomb trees across the state.
- In this profile he shares his life experiences, the work of creating Ainsworth Linear Arboretum and his thoughts on GLH.
- Our first entry for 2022 features GLH partner Dr. Hideko Tamura-Snider, Chairperson of One Sunny Day Initiatives, an organisation that educates the public about nuclear weapons and their consequences.
- Dr. Tamura-Snider's One Sunny Day Initiatives has spearheaded the planting of seeds and saplings in numerous sites in Oregon and beyond.
- In this feature, she shares her life experiences after surviving the atomic bombing, and her thoughts on nuclear weapons and on GLH.
Profile 21. December 2021 - Ari Novy, PhD, San Diego Botanic Garden, California (PDF)
- The second feature for December presents Dr. Ari Novy, CEO and President of the San Diego Botanic Garden.
- Dr. Novy has experience in both research and science education. He is the former Executive Director of the United States Botanic Garden in Washington, D.C and is currently the Chair for the AFLP International Advisory Committee.
- Dr. Novy shares his experience in plant science, thoughts on GLH and advice for the younger generations.
- This month's feature presents a special partner who was one of the driving forces behind campaigns in Chile and Kazakhstan. She was a former staff of the UNITAR Hiroshima Office and an integral part of the Hiroshima Fellowship for Afghanistan.
- Dr. Kakimova shares her diverse background in Kazakhstan, Japan, and Chile, as well her thoughts on GLH.
Profile 19. November 2021 - Kourosh Lotfi, MD, Linkoping Medical University, Linkoping (PDF)
- The second entry for November of 2021 features Kourosh Lotfi, MD, who spearheaded GLH's partnership in Sweden.
- Dr. Lotfi shares his thoughts on GLH, its message and his experience as a partner.
Profile 18. November 2021 - Dr. Rinny E. Kooi, Botanical Curator, Singelpark (PDF)
- The November entry of 2021 features GLH's partner in the Netherlands. Dr. Rinny E. Kooi has worked at the University of Leiden for over 40 years.
- Dr. Kooi shares her experience as a GLH partner, her thoughts on the message of Hiroshima’s A-Bomb trees, and her path to becoming a prominent figure in the field of science.
Profile 17. July 2021 - Tetsuya Sera, Director of the Hiroshima Botanical Garden, and Shuichi Hamatani, Assistant Director of Management Section, Hiroshima Botanical Garden (English)
- GLH marks the 10th Anniversary on July 2021
- In the past decade we have met some extraordinary people — becoming convinced, more than ever, that our human community has far more in common than it has differences. And of the many who have rallied around our cause few have been more dedicated teachers and role-models than botanists and botanical gardens.
- The July entry of 2021 features GLH's one of the oldest partners, Hiroshima Botanical Garden, which engages in the dispatch of Hibaku-jumoku seeds to GLH partners all over the world.
- Dr. Tetsuo Sera, Director of the Hiroshima Botanical Garden, and Dr. Shinichi Hamatani, Assistant Director of Management Section, Hiroshima Botanical Garden, share their experiences.
Profile 16. March 2021 - David Dowd, College of Agriculture, Food & Rural Enterprise, the United Kingdom (PDF)
- The March entry of 2021 features GLH's new and first partner in Northern Ireland, College of Agriculture, Food & Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) in Greenmount. Mr. David Dowd is Senior Lecturer of Horticulture at CAFRE and leads the GLH project at CAFRE. He is currently overseeing the development of CAFRE as the regional hub for the distribution of seeds and seedlings to GLH partners in the UK.
- Mr. Dowd shares how he encountered horticulture during childhood and embarked on the professional journey as a horticulturist. He talks about how the GLH lecture impacted and will bring to his students as horticulturists and global citizens.
Profile 15. December 2020 - Faezeh Mahichi, Japan (PDF)
- The December Profile features Faezeh Mahichi, Associate Professor of Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University in Beppu, Japan. Originally from Iran and expericing the Iran-Iraq war during childhood, Dr. Mahichi devotes her research and teaching to environmental sustainability and peace.
- Dr. Mahichi shares her journey getting envolved in environmental research and to know GLH through a field trip of hibaku jumoku in Hiroshima in 2012.
- APU became an active GLH partner in 2013. Dr. Mahichi has since led her students to Hiroshima and hosted many activities to spread hibaku jumoku's message of peace. She is also co-founder of the EDEN Seminars.
Profile 14. November 2020 - Abdelghani El Asli, Morocco (PDF)
- The November Profile features Abdelghani El Asli, Associate Professor of Biology at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco. He is experienced in sustainable devleopment, biomass estimation, transboundary water management and water integrity.
- Professor El Asli is passionate about environment and trees. In this interview, he shares his vision for the hibaku jumoku saplings at Al Akhawayn University.
Profile 13. October 2020 - Toshio Yamagata, Japan (PDF)
- The October Profile features Toshio Yamagata, Professor at University of Tokyo and also the Project Principal Scientist of Application Laboratory at Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC).
- As a climate scientist, Professor Yamagata's love for nature started growing in his childhood from his family passion for farming and gardening in Utsunomiya City. This passion later translated into his scholarly research in the atmosphere and ocean to understand how seasons are formed.
- He got to know GLH through Dr. Nassrine Azimi when they worked together through UNITAR's Sea and Human Security Training Series. Hibaku-jumoku seeds were then planted on JAMSTEC's Yokohama campus.
Profile 12. September 2020 - Tiziana Volta, Italy (PDF)
- The September Profile features Italian anti-violence activist and nature advocate, Tiziana Volta. She is the Photo Editor of the magazine “Gardenia”, the most important Italian magazine about the culture of green. Since 2009, she has been following Peace and Nonviolence projects with an international humanist group, World without Wars and Violence.
- As an individual GLH partner, Tiziana handed out hibaku jumoku saplings to organizations and schools in Italy. She also started a new partnership with nuseries.
Profile 11. August 2020 - Gareth Evans, Australian National University (PDF)
- The August Profile features Distinguished Honorary Professor Gareth Evans at the Australian National University where he served as Chancellor from 2010-2019 after being President of the International Crisis Group from 2000-09 and Australia’s Foreign Minister from 1988–96.
- He initiated the Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, was a member of the Blix Commission on Weapons of Mass Destruction, co-chaired with Yoriko Kawaguchi the Australia-Japan International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament, and now chairs the Seoul-based Asia Pacific Leadership Network on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (APLN).
- Professer Evans recalled the most memorable exhibit at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Musuem during his visit there in 1964. He restated the message the hibaku saplings were bringing to the ANU Crawford School of Public Policy and challenges ahead of us humans for nuclear disarmament and ecological survival.
Profile 10. July 2020 - Ramesh Thakur, Australian National University (PDF)
- The July Profile features Emeritus Professor Ramesh Thakur, Director of the Centre for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (CNND) in the Crawford School, The Australian National University.
- Educated in India and Canada, he was Head of the Peace Research Centre at ANU, during which time he was also a consultant/ adviser to the Australian and New Zealand governments on arms control, disarmament and international security issues.
- Professor Thakur was also Vice-Rector of UN University from 1998-2007. He has worked closely with GLH Co-ordinator Dr. Nassrine Azimi on UN peacekeeping issues for many years,and greatly contributed to the UNITAR/IPS Singapore Conference Series in peacekeeping.
- Professor Thakur shares his fears and hopes for a peaceful world, and the role Hiroshima can play to achieve nuclear disarmament.
Profile 9. June 2020 - Svetlana Sizykh, Russia (PDF)
- The June Profile features Dr. Svetlana Sizykh, Head of Botanical Garden at Irkutsk State University, Russia.
- The Botanical Garden of Irkutsk State University was one of the first GLH global partners in 2011.
- Dr. Sizykh shared a story of an encounter at the Japan Garden at Irkutsk Botanical Garden where a grandmother burst into tears when she saw the hibaku jumoku from Hiroshima.
Profile 8. May 2020 - Marta Joanna Monder and Tomasz Zawistowski, Poland (PDF)
- The May Profile features a joint interview with Polish scientists: Dr. Monder, who is the focal point of hibaku jumoku at the Polish Academy of Sciences Botanical Garden, and Dr. Zawistowski, a mechanical engineer who is the bridge connecting GLH with the PAS Botanical Garden.
- Dr. Monder, a rose specialist, talked about a special rose variety called "Peace" (as pictured) and its history of development and flourishing despite the turmoil during World War II.
- Dr. Zawistowki, in a Q&A, answered how he discovered GLH and initiated the special partnership.
Profile 7. April 2020 - David Petersen and Mandy Conti, Authors (PDF)
- The April Profile features authors David Petersen and Mandy Conti, who spent four years in Hiroshima and one year in Nagasaki and co-authored books in English about hibaku-jumoku in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
- David, from Canada, and Mandy, from Australia, met and got married in Japan. They shared their journey getting to know hibaku-jumoku, their connections with the trees, as well as their books.
Profile 6. March 2020 - Tommy Koh, Ambassador-At-Large, Singapore (PDF)
- The first profile of 2020 features renowned Singaporean international lawyer, professor, and diplomat, Tommy Koh, who championed the GLH partnership in Singapore with the Singapore Botanic Garden and Tembusu College at the National University of Singapore.
- Ambassador Koh shared his memories during his visit to Hiroshima in 2005, his vision for the GLH partnership, as well as his outlook on the nuclear future.
Profile 5. December 2019 - David Krieger, President, Nuclear Age Foundation, United States of America (PDF)
- The last profile of 2019 features Dr. David Krieger, the Co-Founder and President of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF). After 37 years of service, Dr. Krieger will step down from this position at the end of 2019. He has led the NAPF to initiate many innovative and important projects for building peace, strengthening international law, abolishing nuclear weapons, and empowering peace leaders. An author and an editor, Dr. Krieger has also contributed to many studies of peace.
- In this interview, Dr. Krieger talks about the message of the Hibaku Jumoku and the urgency of nuclear disarmament.
Profile 4. October 2019 - Amanda Chambers, Artist, United Kingdom (PDF)
Dealing with such a well-known event can be daunting for an artist: how can one begin to say something new? But I think we return to these momentous events because they still have traction – and as the world appears still very unstable in both political and environmental terms – the story of the hibaku jumoku is particularly relevant.
- Amanda Chambers is a British multi-disciplinary artist working in sculpture, music, drawing, photography, and printmaking. In October 2018, Amanda embarked on a project inspired by the hibaku jumoku - “Hibaku-Jumoku, In search of Hiroshima’s Survivor Trees”. The work was produced and exhibited at Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park (SCCP).
Profile 3. September 2019 - Vladimir Rouvinski, Icesi University, Columbia (PDF)
As an international relations scholar, my links to GLH and Hiroshima
have been helping me in defense of the view that International Relations as a discipline is responsible for contributing scientific knowledge to the decision-makers so that we can avoid repeating a tragedy as the one that stroke Hiroshima...
- The September entry features Dr. Vladimir Rouvinski, former staff of UNITAR Hiroshima Office who obtained his master's and doctoral degree in Peace Studies from Hiroshima University. Originally from Russia, Dr. Rouvinski currently teaches International Relations at Icesi University, Cali, Columbia, aiming to strengthen the bond between Japan and Columbia.
- Photo: Dr. Rouvinski with Hibaku sapling on the campus of Icesi University.
- The August entry features Marie Louise Towari, Chair of Japan-based NPO Think About Education in
Rwanda who experienced many turbulences, in Rwanda and in Japan, and who is now devoted to volunteer and advocacy work for Rwandan children.
- The narrative was originally written in Japanese and was adopted in English by GLH Secretariat team. The Japanese version will also be posted soon.
- Photo: Marie (middle left) with GLH co-founders, Tomoko Watanabe (left) and Nassrine Azimi (middle right), and ANT-Hiroshima Staff, Masami Yamamoto.
Profile 1. June 2019 - Sergei Shaposhnikov, Moscow State University, Russia (PDF)
- The first feature in this series is Dr. Sergei Shaposhnikov, Professor at Moscow State University (MSU). GLH Master-Gardener Mr. Chikara Horiguchi interviewed him during a recent visit to MSU in late April 2019.
- Photo: a planting ceremony on 23 April 2019 at MSU, center left stands Master Chikara Horiguchi, center right stands Dr. Sergei Shaposhnikov.