


 August 2020:

On this 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, when words no longer suffice, GLH team simply decided to share with our partners worldwide glimpses of some of the Hibaku-jumoku closest to us. These splendid A-bombed trees, and their descendants, are our collective hope, and as peace ambassadors from Hiroshima they continue to disseminate their message of caution and hope for our beautiful, fragile and common planet.

With you in thought – Nassrine, Yuko, Jenny and Taiga


From left to right,
① Weeping Willow (Salix babylonica), Motomachi riverbank of the Ota River, ㉞ Weeping Willow (Salix babylonica), Eastern foot of Tsurumi Bridge, ⑦ Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus melliodora), Hiroshima Castle
The numbers refer to Trees in Hiroshima

Green Legacy Hiroshima has been going strong. Please check below for some recent and moving coverage, including a beautiful BBC World piece in Spanish writing of our co-founder Tomoko Watanabe and her mother (an atomic bomb survivor) as well as our partners in Chile and Columbia. We have also added, thanks to GLH friends, a rough English translation of the National Bulgarian Radio interview with GLH.

BBC World piece in Spanish (Spanish) ⇒https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-internacional-53610612
National Bulgarian Radio (Bulgarian) ⇒https://bnr.bg/post/101322464
English translation; http://glh.unitar.org/site/assets/files/1578/english_translation-_national_bulgarian_radio_2305843009382528403.pdf
BBC Radio interview with Tomoko Watanabe and Nassrine Azimi (6th August 2020)⇒ https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p08n6623


Showing 1 partner out of 22 in Japan